Téma: Road Rash

Registrovaný: 1.4.2004
Počet příspevků: 1247
Odeslané před 4 rokmi
This topic is for comments and discussion about Road Rash. If you have any questions, or problems with this game, let us know. Also feel free to share any insights, useful tips and tricks with us.
Thanks and have fun!

Road Rash download
Registrovaný: 29.3.2021
Počet příspevků: 1
Odeslané před 3 rokmi

I tried playing this game in the browser but the game window shows "The program cannot run in DOS mode" so unable to play the game. Also, right now I am not able to play this game by downloading it as I am facing other display issue after the race starts...nothing is wrong with your download game file as i installed this game from different sources one by one & each time I faced the same display issue where the bottom half of the screen blacks-out after the race starts...so i am trying to play this game in browser instead of downloading. Please if you can resolve the browser issue, it will be a great help..thanks..

Registrovaný: 1.4.2004
Počet příspevků: 1247
Odeslané před 3 rokmi
My bad, this game shouldn't be playable online, it's a windows game and there is no good way to play win games online. I've removed the online play.

You have to download the game and run it locally on your computer.
Registrovaný: 1.4.2004
Počet příspevků: 1247
Odeslané před 3 rokmi
Road Rash is Windows game, you don't need to run the game through DOSBox. Run the game in compatible mode.

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