Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Genesis game, 1996

Midway Games
Midway Games
MAME 2003 (1995), SNES (1996), Genesis (1996), SEGA Saturn (1996), Game Boy Advance (2001)
Also known as:
MKA: Mortal Kombat Advance, Mortal Kombat Advance, UMK3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat

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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 screenshot 2Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 screenshot 3Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 screenshot 4Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 screenshot 5

Shao Kahn, tired of constant defeats in tournaments, proceeds with a 10,000-year-old plan, which includes reviving his consort, Queen of Outworld Sindel. This is only possible on Earth. This crosses the line, the two worlds partially merge, and millions of people die. The survivors are saved by Raiden, the patron of Earth. However, he cannot do more, his supernatural abilities do not work in the Otherworld. Shao Kahn sends his extermination squads to Earth, Raiden, on the other hand, drives people to attack. The disaster must be averted at all costs. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a standalone update of 1995's earlier Mortal Kombat 3 with an altered gameplay system, additional characters like the returning favorites Reptile, Kitana, Jade and Scorpion who were missing from Mortal Kombat 3, and some new features. Two new gameplay modes have been introduced since the original Mortal Kombat 3: the 2-on-2 mode which was similar to an Endurance match but with as many as three human players in a given round on both sides (these had not been seen in the series since the first Mortal Kombat), and a new eight-player Tournament mode. An extra Master difficulty is present. Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures – selectable prizes, of which some are extra fights and others lead to various cutscenes or other things – are introduced after either the main game or the eight-player Tournament are completed.

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