Rise of the Robots

DOS game, 1994

Mirage Technologies
Time Warner Interactive
Fighting, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Cyberpunk
DOS (1994), SNES (1994), Genesis (1994), 3DO (1994), Amiga (1994), Amiga CD32 (1994), Game Gear (1994)

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Rise of the Robots screenshot 2Rise of the Robots screenshot 3Rise of the Robots screenshot 4Rise of the Robots screenshot 5

Rise of the Robots is a fighting game that includes a single-player mode in which the player assumes the role of the ECO35-2 Cyborg as he attempts to stop the Supervisor who takes over Electrocorp's facilities in Metropolis 4, and a two-player mode in which the second player controls a character chosen from among EC035-2's enemies.  The year is 2043, and the megacorporation Electrocorp dominates the world in all fields. Robots are commonly used and serve people. Electrocorp is constantly developing new and new technologies, including artificial intelligence, which they eventually succeed in, is created by trillions of nanobots and kept in a sealed room in Electrocorp's largest facility - Metropolis 4. The AI learns quickly and becomes a versatile robot, capable of driving all of Metropolis 4 twenty-four hours a day. In addition, it can also run every robot, computer system, nuclear power plant and military equipment in the world. But the UI was attacked by the EGO virus, which uses the collective subconscious and misused all her abilities. All the people in Metropolis 4 are killed and every robot and computer in the world is under the rule of the EGO virus. The only hope for salvation is the cyborg ECO35-2, which is the only one immune to the virus because it has a human brain. He must fight his way through the entire Metropolis 4 and disable the artificial intelligence.

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